Recently On Instagram

Recently On Instagram

By On 05:23 with 2 Comments
Recently On Instagram  Image
Bit of a life post what i've been upto in pictures.. Going left to right.. 1. Trying out a new Lush bath bomb, someone likes it 2. Late night trip to Krispy Kremes.

Relax & De-Stress.. a natural alternative?

Relax & De-Stress.. a natural alternative?

By clairemae On 14:10 with 1 Comments
Here are two products that both claim to sooth, destress and take the weight of the world away... Elemis - Quiet Mind Temple Balm and Origins - Sensory Therapy Peace of Mind but do

Its that time of year at Lush!

Its that time of year at Lush!

By clairemae On 04:12 with 0 Comments
The christmas range is out! Soon as i heard i had to go a get a couple of things, i did well and only bought two bubble bars as i've got a few

Autumn Picks

Autumn Picks

By clairemae On 12:40 with 2 Comments
I was a little late in putting up a September favourite posts, so i decided not to but these are a couple of new things i'm enjoying using right now. I love autumn,